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Egg Free Label

Egg Free Analysis

Those who adopt veganism, especially people with egg allergy, question whether the food they consume contains eggs. Food may contain traces of eggs through cross contamination during production stages, except for the use of eggs directly. This should be stated due to the allergen effect in accordance with the labeling rules.

At this stage, it becomes important that specially produced foods that do not contain eggs can be offered for sale safely with the "Egg Free Label".

“Egg Free Label” is first of all important for individuals with egg allergy. Bakery products such as noodles, pasta, bagels, meatballs, ice cream, mayonnaise, breakfast cereals can contain eggs.

The second issue is food that does not contain eggs for vegan individuals. Vegans do not accept any food of animal origin in their diet. This includes eggs.

For these reasons, besides many foods that do not contain eggs, produced with eggs; Varieties prepared with recipes without eggs in products such as bakery products and mayonnaise began to appear on the shelves of the market.

In terms of consumer confidence, it is an important issue at this stage that the products are proven that they do not contain eggs through laboratory tests and that they receive the "Egg Free Label".


11 Mart 2022